“Acquiring an offense keeps you from seeing your own character flaws
because blame is deferred to another.”
John Bevere- The Bait of Satan (page 56)
John Bevere- The Bait of Satan (page 56)
The Alabaster Vessel of Your Heart:
“While Jesus was in Bethany in the home of a man known as Simon the Leper, a woman came to him with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, which she poured on his head as he was reclined at the table.”
Matthew 26:6-7
“While Jesus was in Bethany in the home of a man known as Simon the Leper, a woman came to him with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, which she poured on his head as he was reclined at the table.”
Matthew 26:6-7
What a picture, Jesus in the home of a leper (don’t miss that point), for Jesus is at home with my leprosy and yours as well. The sinfulness of our hearts doesn’t ever surprise Him, and amazingly - He loves us still!
But in the midst of this allegorical scene, comes a woman, Mary Magdalene – to whom he had forgiven much. There she comes with her alabaster jar filled with precious perfumes, and she breaks open the container and anoints the head of Jesus as he is at rest. How the fragrance of the perfumes must have filled the room, changing the atmosphere.
The disciples reacted in such a practical and predictable way (as do we at times). They rebuked her for wasting such a precious commodity: that could have been sold, the profits to be used to support the poor.
They failed to see what Jesus saw… He looked past the act and looked right into Mary’s heart. There he saw a broken and contrite vessel that only desired to worship the one she adored.
They failed to see what Jesus saw… He looked past the act and looked right into Mary’s heart. There he saw a broken and contrite vessel that only desired to worship the one she adored.
The one you truly adore, is worth giving your very best for – it is your greatest joy to do so.
The fragrance of a broken and contrite heart before the lord is indeed a sweet fragrance that will transform any atmosphere. Of this woman Jesus said:
The fragrance of a broken and contrite heart before the lord is indeed a sweet fragrance that will transform any atmosphere. Of this woman Jesus said:
“I tell you the truth, wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world,
what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.”
Matthew 26:13
What a legacy to have; to be a very part of the gospel message of Jesus Christ!
Have you broken the alabaster jar of your heart lately before the Lord, and anointed him with the fragrance of your praise and worship? Have you surrendered the most precious fragrances of your surrendered heart and will before Him, who has forgiven you so very much? For, we were bought with a great price, by Him who has giving His all - for you and I.
May you know Him in the deepest of intimacies!
Matthew 26:13
What a legacy to have; to be a very part of the gospel message of Jesus Christ!
Have you broken the alabaster jar of your heart lately before the Lord, and anointed him with the fragrance of your praise and worship? Have you surrendered the most precious fragrances of your surrendered heart and will before Him, who has forgiven you so very much? For, we were bought with a great price, by Him who has giving His all - for you and I.
May you know Him in the deepest of intimacies!
30 fkj
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