When His Spirit can flow unimpeded through us, we will see the highest levels of healings, miracles, and signs and wonders occur.”
John Paul Jackson –
“The Coming Unprecedented Wave
of the Holy Spirit”
Moving Out of Haran
31Terah took Abram his son,
and Lot the son of Haran, his grandson,
and Sarai his daughter-in-law, his son Abram's wife;
and they went out together from Ur of the Chaldeans
in order to enter the land of Canaan;
and they went as far as Haran, and settled there.
32The days of Terah were two hundred and five years;
and Terah died in Haran.
Genesis 11:31-32 (my emphasis bold)
It is significant to me that Terah’s name means
“to breathe upon , blow, or scent";
because it appears that Terah was called (breathed upon)
by Jehovah God to leave Ur of the Chaldeans and go to Cannan.
Ur and Chaldea was the area that we think of today as Babylon.
The Chaldeans were the Kasdite occupants of the land
to be later known as Babylon.
The Chaldeans were idol worshippers
and served the false gods of marduk
(מְרֹדַךְ Merodach in Hebrew) the "solar calf"
and Shuqamuna the Babylonian “god of creation.”
It is often said of Terah
that he was an odol maker;
but he certainly, at the very least,
was significantly influenced by the gross idolatry
of the Kasdite people with whom he lived.
Yet I believe he heard the call of Jehovah
to leave his idolatrous surroundings
and venture to Canaan (that humbles and subdues)
So he packed up his family and supplies and set out for Caanan the land of God’s Promise.
The word says that as they traveled toward Canaan
they came upon Haran, where they stopped and settled.
We can only imagine that Haran
must have held some attraction to Terah,
perhaps an area that had a good supply of water and grazing land.
It was a good oasis on the way,
that turned out to be a place of permanence.
It was a place not too far from the land,
and the culture he had been called out of.
I can imagine that there he settled in
and set up some of the idols from his homeland
and there he became satisfied, and unwilling to go any farther.
Haran means “parched mountain”…
and it can be symbolic of the fruits of a life
that is influenced by idolatry,
a life taken off track
by temporary pleasures, concerns or earthly influences.
Terah failed to go the distance that God
had called him too,
so he wound up settling for a parched mountain
instead of a bountiful land filled with milk and honey.
Terah remained there for the rest of his life.
He died in Haran and his accomplishments
were that of a parched mountain;
he never fulfilled the call of God on his life.
Many times I have reflected about how many times
I have remained in my own little “Harans”,
instead of being obedient to God’s call.
We are called (breathed upon by God)
to see His kingdom established in us and through us.
We have all been called to Canaan –
a place of Promise –
yet a place of humility before God,
and the call of God upon our lives.
The call of God that was missed by Terah,
was repeated to Terah’s son Abram.
Abram heard the call and walked in obedience to the call,
and is called the Father of Faith because of his response.
Abram means "high or exalted Father",
but when God had breathed upon his life,
he changed his name to Abraham.
The Breath of God took him to new heights
and new meaning for God’s kingdom:
now he would be the Father of a multitude of nations.
In his obedience to the call
the Word proclaims that all nations on earth
would be blessed through him.
Not only would Christ come through his lineage,
but the principle of pleasing God through faith
was established in his life for all of us to follow.
Let’s press on to Canaan together!
Below is the word study for this TFT.
Gen 11:31 And TerahH8646 tookH3947 (H853) AbramH87 his son,H1121 and LotH3876 the sonH1121 of HaranH2039 his son'sH1121 son,H1121 and SaraiH8297 his daughter in law,H3618 his sonH1121 Abram'sH87 wife;H802 and they went forthH3318 withH854 them from UrH4480 H218 of the Chaldees,H3778 to goH1980 into the landH776 of Canaan;H3667 and they cameH935 untoH5704 Haran,H2771 and dweltH3427 there.H8033
Gen 11:32 And the daysH3117 of TerahH8646 wereH1961 two hundredH3967 and fiveH2568 years:H8141 and TerahH8646 diedH4191 in Haran.H2771
Terah H8646
תּרח terach [teh'-rakh]
(to breathe; scent; blow)
Abram H87
אברם 'abrâm [ab-rawm']
(high father)
Ur H4480
מנּי מנּי מן
min minnı̂y minnêy [min, min-nee', min-nay']
(a part of ; from or out of)
Chaldees H3778
כּשׂדּימה כּשׂדּי
kaśdı̂y kaśdı̂ymâh [kas-dee', kas-dee'-maw]
(towards the Kasdites);
(as demons, or as robbers)
served the gods marduk and Shuqamuna
marduk מְרֹדַךְ Merodach
"solar calf"
Babylonian god of creation
Canaan H3667
כּנען kena‛an [ken-ah'-an]
(merchant; trader; or that humbles and subdues)
Kenaan, a son of Ham
Haran H2771
חרן chârân [khaw-rawn']
(parched mountain)
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