"A rule I have had for years is
to treat the Lord Christ as a personal friend.
When I go away from home I bid my wife and children goodbye;
I bid my friends and acquaintances goodbye,
but I never heard of a poor backslider going down on his knees and saying,
'I have been near you for ten years;
your service has become tedious and monotonous;
I have come to bid you farewell. Goodbye, Lord Christ.
'I never heard of one doing this. I will tell you how they go: they just run away!"
Dwight L Moody
In Him:
In the fourth chapter of Ephesians Paul begins to describe the Christ-like walk that all believers are called to. In the first verse he says that we should: "Walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you are called."
He then in the following verses outlines what it means to walk in a "worthy manner." He outlines the following characteristics and attitudes:
1. We are to walk "humbly" Ephesians 4:1-3
2. We are to walk "united" Ephesians 4:4-16
3. We are to walk "with renewed minds" Ephesians 4: 17-32
4. We are to walk "in love" Ephesians 5: 1-7
5. We are to walk "illuminated" Ephesians 5:8-14
6. We are to walk "in wisdom" Ephesians 5:15-17
Paul is making a plea here for us to walk separated from the ways of the world. Throughout the testaments we are called to be a separated people.
[ Deuteronomy 22:10; II Corinthians 6:14,17;
Leviticus 20:24,26; Hebrews 7:26]
We as followers should be different from the world:
The world does not walk in humility but seeks self-fulfillment and is bent upon exercising "rights."
The world refuses to be united because it is engaged in exalting personal differences one over another.
The world can’t understand the kingdom mind because it is caught up in the Madison Avenue massage and the lustfulness of material acquisition and fulfillment.
The world can’t truly love, because they have not tasted of the true love of God.
The world can’t know the light because they have been blinded by the darkness of their own sinfulness (John 1:5).
The world can’t be wise because true wisdom only comes from above and must be sought diligently through intimacy with God.
The world is busy justifying Paul’s evaluation when he said: "they are ever learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth."
(II Timothy 3:7)
Our being different from the world is like a two edged sword. In one sense because of our commitment to Christ we can be assured that the world will persecute us…if the persecuted the Master the will do the same to the servants. (John 15:18,19) Yet, where sin abounds, grace is far more prevalent, (Romans 5:20) and the light will always prevail over the darkness.
The life and light of Christ in us in it’s contrast to the worlds standards and customs will allow the lost to see the great light (Christ) in the darkness (John 8:12). Although Godliness may lead us through seasons of suffering and rejection, it also invites others to ask: "Why do you have so much hope?" We know this because Jesus suffered as our example. The godly person will always return good for evil because they have lived the kingdom principal of sowing and reaping; they understand that their reaction may well be the very incident that either brings the lost to Christ, or alienates them from Christ.
Walking with you in the hope of His Glory!…
to treat the Lord Christ as a personal friend.
When I go away from home I bid my wife and children goodbye;
I bid my friends and acquaintances goodbye,
but I never heard of a poor backslider going down on his knees and saying,
'I have been near you for ten years;
your service has become tedious and monotonous;
I have come to bid you farewell. Goodbye, Lord Christ.
'I never heard of one doing this. I will tell you how they go: they just run away!"
Dwight L Moody
In Him:
In the fourth chapter of Ephesians Paul begins to describe the Christ-like walk that all believers are called to. In the first verse he says that we should: "Walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you are called."
He then in the following verses outlines what it means to walk in a "worthy manner." He outlines the following characteristics and attitudes:
1. We are to walk "humbly" Ephesians 4:1-3
2. We are to walk "united" Ephesians 4:4-16
3. We are to walk "with renewed minds" Ephesians 4: 17-32
4. We are to walk "in love" Ephesians 5: 1-7
5. We are to walk "illuminated" Ephesians 5:8-14
6. We are to walk "in wisdom" Ephesians 5:15-17
Paul is making a plea here for us to walk separated from the ways of the world. Throughout the testaments we are called to be a separated people.
[ Deuteronomy 22:10; II Corinthians 6:14,17;
Leviticus 20:24,26; Hebrews 7:26]
We as followers should be different from the world:
The world does not walk in humility but seeks self-fulfillment and is bent upon exercising "rights."
The world refuses to be united because it is engaged in exalting personal differences one over another.
The world can’t understand the kingdom mind because it is caught up in the Madison Avenue massage and the lustfulness of material acquisition and fulfillment.
The world can’t truly love, because they have not tasted of the true love of God.
The world can’t know the light because they have been blinded by the darkness of their own sinfulness (John 1:5).
The world can’t be wise because true wisdom only comes from above and must be sought diligently through intimacy with God.
The world is busy justifying Paul’s evaluation when he said: "they are ever learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth."
(II Timothy 3:7)
Our being different from the world is like a two edged sword. In one sense because of our commitment to Christ we can be assured that the world will persecute us…if the persecuted the Master the will do the same to the servants. (John 15:18,19) Yet, where sin abounds, grace is far more prevalent, (Romans 5:20) and the light will always prevail over the darkness.
The life and light of Christ in us in it’s contrast to the worlds standards and customs will allow the lost to see the great light (Christ) in the darkness (John 8:12). Although Godliness may lead us through seasons of suffering and rejection, it also invites others to ask: "Why do you have so much hope?" We know this because Jesus suffered as our example. The godly person will always return good for evil because they have lived the kingdom principal of sowing and reaping; they understand that their reaction may well be the very incident that either brings the lost to Christ, or alienates them from Christ.
Walking with you in the hope of His Glory!…
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