“I believe that if an angel were to wing his way from earth up to Heaven,
and were to say that there was one poor, ragged boy, without father or mother, with no one to care for him and teach him the way of life;
and if God were to ask who among them were willing to come down to this earth and live here for fifty years and lead that one to Jesus Christ,
every angel in Heaven would volunteer to go.
Even Gabriel, who stands in the presence of the Almighty, would say,
"Let me leave my high and lofty position,
and let me have the luxury of leading one soul to Jesus Christ."
There is no greater honor than to be the instrument in God's hands
of leading one person out of the kingdom of Satan
into the glorious light of Heaven.”
Dwight L. Moody
The King’s Domain
“For seek first the kingdom of God
and His righteousness,
and all these things will be provided for you.”
Matthew 6:33 (my emphasis bold)
Have you ever contemplated the word kingdom as it appears in the New Testament? Kingdom (or King’s dom) refers to the “King’s Domain.” This phrase implicitly speaks of our Savior’s authority and Lordship over us and the Earth. It implies that all of the realm of God’s domain (or His dominion), is a part of the kingdom.
It is of this kingdom we speak when we recite the disciples prayer saying:
“Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10) Thus we are pledging ourselves to proper spiritual alignment: having the Spiritual to rule over the soul (mind, emotions and will) and the body.
When His kingdom is established in us we will walk in righteousness, peace and joy; and we will become a spiritual magnet to a lost and dying world around us.
The King’s Domain must be of the highest spiritual priority, if the nature of Christ is to be birthed within us.
We must decrease, that He might increase.
May the Joy of Jesus be your strength this day,
and were to say that there was one poor, ragged boy, without father or mother, with no one to care for him and teach him the way of life;
and if God were to ask who among them were willing to come down to this earth and live here for fifty years and lead that one to Jesus Christ,
every angel in Heaven would volunteer to go.
Even Gabriel, who stands in the presence of the Almighty, would say,
"Let me leave my high and lofty position,
and let me have the luxury of leading one soul to Jesus Christ."
There is no greater honor than to be the instrument in God's hands
of leading one person out of the kingdom of Satan
into the glorious light of Heaven.”
Dwight L. Moody
The King’s Domain
“For seek first the kingdom of God
and His righteousness,
and all these things will be provided for you.”
Matthew 6:33 (my emphasis bold)
Have you ever contemplated the word kingdom as it appears in the New Testament? Kingdom (or King’s dom) refers to the “King’s Domain.” This phrase implicitly speaks of our Savior’s authority and Lordship over us and the Earth. It implies that all of the realm of God’s domain (or His dominion), is a part of the kingdom.
It is of this kingdom we speak when we recite the disciples prayer saying:
“Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10) Thus we are pledging ourselves to proper spiritual alignment: having the Spiritual to rule over the soul (mind, emotions and will) and the body.
When His kingdom is established in us we will walk in righteousness, peace and joy; and we will become a spiritual magnet to a lost and dying world around us.
The King’s Domain must be of the highest spiritual priority, if the nature of Christ is to be birthed within us.
We must decrease, that He might increase.
May the Joy of Jesus be your strength this day,
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