No one is hopeless who hopes in God.
Hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark. –
George Iles
The Churches Surrender:
Quote from AW Tozer: The Knowledge of the Holy
The Church has surrendered
Her once lofty concept of God
and has substituted for it one
so low, so ignoble,
as to be unworthy of thinking and worshiping men…
The low view of God entertained
almost universally among Christians
is the cause of a hundred lesser evils
everywhere among us.
A whole new philosophy of the Christian life
has resulted from this one basic error
in our religious thinking.
What an indictment against believers.
If there was ever a pressing catalyst for us to study to show ourselves approved,
rightly dividing the Word of Truth - this is it.
It is frightening to comprehend that we in our culture,
and our own apathy,
have sunk to such a low view of God
as to effect or ability to serve in the kingdom.
Lord deliver us of such thinking;
open our eyes that I might see You in all Your splendor!
May we might see You clearly
and so be able to honor and worship You in Spirit and in Truth.
Lead us to an understanding that we may properly fear Your Name
and walk in obedience to Your Word.
Quote from AW Tozer: The Knowledge of the Holy
The Church has surrendered
Her once lofty concept of God
and has substituted for it one
so low, so ignoble,
as to be unworthy of thinking and worshiping men…
The low view of God entertained
almost universally among Christians
is the cause of a hundred lesser evils
everywhere among us.
A whole new philosophy of the Christian life
has resulted from this one basic error
in our religious thinking.
What an indictment against believers.
If there was ever a pressing catalyst for us to study to show ourselves approved,
rightly dividing the Word of Truth - this is it.
It is frightening to comprehend that we in our culture,
and our own apathy,
have sunk to such a low view of God
as to effect or ability to serve in the kingdom.
Lord deliver us of such thinking;
open our eyes that I might see You in all Your splendor!
May we might see You clearly
and so be able to honor and worship You in Spirit and in Truth.
Lead us to an understanding that we may properly fear Your Name
and walk in obedience to Your Word.
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