"For the Lord
does not want the sinner to die,
but to return and live.
There is still time for endurance,
time for patience, time for healing,
time for change.
Have you slipped?
Rise up,
Have you sinned?
Do not stand among sinners,
but leap aside.
For when you turn back and weep,
then you will be saved. "
What's In A Name?
Did you ever wonder about the significance
of God’s changing of Abram’s name to Abraham?
“Ab” is father as in Abba Father …
“ram” is exalted or lifted up
so Abram means exalted father
Abraham means father of nations…
but there is another interesting thing about this…
Look at the difference between
Abram and Abraham,
and Sarai and Sarah
What was added to their names …. “h”
The sound of Hhhhhhhh.
What is happening here is
that God is breathing His Spirit into their names.
God is taking that which is flesh
and He is breathing His Spirit into it.
In Genesis when it says that God creates man
in His own image and likeness…
how does He do it?
He breathes… Here is actually what happens…
Man was not created out of dirt or clay…
he was created when God took dust from the ground
and breathed His breath of life into it.
Dust is like baby powder,
if you blow on it, it will scatter…
Dust is anhydrous it has no moisture to hold it together.
It was the very condensation of God’s breath
that held it together and the breath of God’s life
that brought the creation to life.
Breath into your hands and make that sound… what happens?
Spirit and breath are the same Hebrew word.
It is the mixture of the condensation of God’s breath
and dust that forms man.
Why would something like mercy come about…
God remembers His breath!
If we want to know how precious we are to God…
we have His breath.
What could be more precious than His breath?
Think about when we praise Him…
what word is used universally to bring praise to God….
hallelujah …
say it slowly hhhhall elujahhhh…
The sound at the beginning and end of hallelujah is an ‘h’
representing the very breath of God.
Our worship is simply returning
the breath of God that was breathed into us
back to Him.
Worship is our exhalation
For His exaltation.
God breathes His Spirit
into each and every human
at the point of conception.
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