“Do you think the King of kings and Lord of Lords
is going to come into a place where He
is not given due honor and reverence?
Do you think the Master of all creation
is going to speak when His Word
is not respected enough to be listened to attentively?
You’re deceived if you do!”
Leviticus 10:3
“By those who come near Me I must be regarded as holy;
and before all the people I must be glorified.”
John Bevere The Fear of the Lord Page 4
Graham Cooke
Voice of the Prophets
4-16-09 Christ Community Church Camp Hill
Notes fkj
When you talk to Graham Cooke, you can sense he’s been hanging out with God. He’s at the same time down-to-earth and full of spiritual wisdom on everything from prayer to spiritual warfare to prophecy to intimacy with God. Cooke is well known for his prophetic training programs and has a passion to build prototype churches that can reach our postmodern society. God also uses him to help transition churches into higher levels of vision and ministry.
The following are my notes from a sermon by Graham Cook which was presented at Christ Community Church’s ‘Voice of the Prophets convention’ on April 16, 2009. I believe Graham is a very humorous man of God with a poignant message for the church today.
The Lord keeps coming along and challenging you about your persona so you get glimpses of it. But you don’t realize that every time gives you a glimpse of it, He’s saying to you “It’s the process!”
Part 8 of 12
It’s the process that will establish the persona…. The persona is real, what you’re learning is how to stand in it. It’s there, it’s fully fledged. The persona doesn’t come to you bit by bit as you get it, it comes fully concentrated. He drops it on you and what you are learning is how it works… how it fits. You’re learning, I can’t have that and have this… so I’m choosing this and rejecting that. He starts to get to work on areas of your life that are in conflict with how He sees you. The Holy Spirit loves that. It’s like, “O.K., Let’s get to work on this bit next!” So he gets to work on that and your persona gets to blossom a little more. You start to see something more, and you carry on with that and He says… “Now let’s get to grips with your victim thinking.” “I’ll turn you into a warrior in your own head.”
And He starts to work with that and you begin to work, and you develop the mind of Christ. You learn how to think in the Spirit of your mind, how to be renewed in the Spirit of your thinking. Brilliant you’ve got a warriors mind set…. Cool, don’t need that one, I’ve got this one! What’s next?! You should be excited about process! You know, if God is changing us from glory to glory, then it follows that all change is glorious. That went down like a rat sandwich. [Edit fkj – (referring to the lack of response to the statement)] Man alive… I think on my next rat sandwich I’ll have mustard. You want me to say it again in English?... O.K. Here it is… You ready? You already know it! You already know it.
God has come to establish your persona. God comes with a gift… God has a view of you right now, and He’s already spoken out what he sees. He’s already told you who you are. Now you have to enjoy the process. It’s the process that makes you rich. You are learning too, that there is no such thing as a bad day, and no such thing as a good day. There are only days of grace. Some days the grace of God allows you to enjoy what is happening, and some days the grace of God allows you to endure what is happening. But there are no days for grumbling and complaining. Grumbling and complaining is the worship language of hell. That’s why Israel fell in the wilderness. They could have rejoiced, but they chose to grumble and complain. Grumbling and complaining is the worship language of hell. That’s all you ever hear when you go there. They’re all insane, they’re all grumbling and complaining. There are no fruits of the Spirit in hell. There’s no love, no kindness, no mercy…. there’s hate, anger, bitterness, rejection, grumbling, complaining. That’s why we have to watch what comes out of our mouth. If you’re a whiner and a complainer, you’re going to find it hard to be a worshipper. Somebody breath ea?... When God show you your persona, He’s inviting you to a fast track. You’ve got something to work towards. He’s already told you what the outcome is… that means you’re going to survive the process.
I was prophesying over a guy in Kansas City, and as I’m prophesying over him he’s getting more and more annoyed. Eventually like steam is coming out of his ears he’s so annoyed. Eventually even in my Englishness I detected that he wasn’t much pleased. So I said, “Your not a really happy bunny right now are you?” And he went, “No I’m blank, blank, blank not!” I went “Dude, we’re in church no cussing.” He looked at me and he was really spitting mad. He said, “I’ve got leukemia, I’ve got four months to live… I came here to get a word about my condition in my life…and you’re telling me that I’m going off to Africa, and doing this and doing that! I went looking at him… and I started smiling. He went, “Don’t you flippin’ smile at me you false prophet!” And he called me a few other things which were really interesting. I’ve never been called those thing in church before. Not at least to my face anyway. So I said, “O.K. Let’s just step back for a minute, time out. The doctor gave you a word of death, four months… I just told you what you’ll be doing in ten year time in Africa… I can see where that would be difficult. That’s like a tough choice dude, I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes right now. Four months, ten years… Geesh, what a choice you have to make! Excuse me (Edit fkj: making a gesture as picking something up off the floor) is this a piece of your brain? Did something fall out?... You’re getting mad at me? I’d go home and smack the doctor! You’re getting mad at me?” And he goes, “Oh!...
Oh… yeah … huh… well ummm humm – take your point… umm… I’ll be off then.” Take the family brain cells, someone in your family might need them. A few years later I’m doing a conference in another city and a guy comes bouncing up to me and says, “Do you remember me?” And I said… “No.” Well it’s really hard ea?... remembering everybody. He said, “I was the guy with leukemia in Kansas City!” I said, “Dude, your not dead then.” He said, “No, no I’m not…” “Good,” I said, “cause I hate talking to ghosts.” He said, “Well I just want you to know that I didn’t like that conversation I had with you in Kansas City.”…. I wasn’t a great fan of it myself. He said, “I went home and I asked the Lord a question… so why didn’t You say anything about my leukemia?” I don’t know what the dates were so I’ll just pick one, say it was ’92 when I gave him the Word… here he is in ’92 and I’m prophesying about the next ten years. He’s asking the Lord, “Why didn’t you say anything about my leukemia?” Then it dawned on him one day that he was in ’92 the Lord was is in 2002 prophesying about what He sees him doing, and he realized that God didn’t say anything about leukemia because he didn’t have it (in 2002).
This is what the Lord means, when the Bible says “the Lord sent His Word and healed him,” that’s what He’s talking about.
So here he is in ’92 thinking “We’ll if he didn’t say anything about my leukemia to me then I’m not saying anything about it to Him. He enrolled in a twelve month Missions Training School. Four and a half months later he wakes up in the morning and realizes that he is two weeks past his ‘sell by date.’ Don’t you love the Lord ea?
Listen, we are learning the ways of God… He already understands our ways… We’re learning His ways! Wisdom is knowing how God thinks, knowing how He perceives, and knowing how He likes to do things. When we understand the ways of God it’s not that difficult to walk with Him. ‘Cause the one thing you know is, He ain’t going to change.
One of my best friends Bobby Mumford years ago called me up and said, “Graham, you’ll never guess what the Lord said to me this morning…” I said, “You’re totally right about that.” And he said – the Lord to me, “Bobby, you and I are incompatible and I don’t change.”
End part 8 of 12
is going to come into a place where He
is not given due honor and reverence?
Do you think the Master of all creation
is going to speak when His Word
is not respected enough to be listened to attentively?
You’re deceived if you do!”
Leviticus 10:3
“By those who come near Me I must be regarded as holy;
and before all the people I must be glorified.”
John Bevere The Fear of the Lord Page 4
Graham Cooke
Voice of the Prophets
4-16-09 Christ Community Church Camp Hill
Notes fkj
When you talk to Graham Cooke, you can sense he’s been hanging out with God. He’s at the same time down-to-earth and full of spiritual wisdom on everything from prayer to spiritual warfare to prophecy to intimacy with God. Cooke is well known for his prophetic training programs and has a passion to build prototype churches that can reach our postmodern society. God also uses him to help transition churches into higher levels of vision and ministry.
The following are my notes from a sermon by Graham Cook which was presented at Christ Community Church’s ‘Voice of the Prophets convention’ on April 16, 2009. I believe Graham is a very humorous man of God with a poignant message for the church today.
The Lord keeps coming along and challenging you about your persona so you get glimpses of it. But you don’t realize that every time gives you a glimpse of it, He’s saying to you “It’s the process!”
Part 8 of 12
It’s the process that will establish the persona…. The persona is real, what you’re learning is how to stand in it. It’s there, it’s fully fledged. The persona doesn’t come to you bit by bit as you get it, it comes fully concentrated. He drops it on you and what you are learning is how it works… how it fits. You’re learning, I can’t have that and have this… so I’m choosing this and rejecting that. He starts to get to work on areas of your life that are in conflict with how He sees you. The Holy Spirit loves that. It’s like, “O.K., Let’s get to work on this bit next!” So he gets to work on that and your persona gets to blossom a little more. You start to see something more, and you carry on with that and He says… “Now let’s get to grips with your victim thinking.” “I’ll turn you into a warrior in your own head.”
And He starts to work with that and you begin to work, and you develop the mind of Christ. You learn how to think in the Spirit of your mind, how to be renewed in the Spirit of your thinking. Brilliant you’ve got a warriors mind set…. Cool, don’t need that one, I’ve got this one! What’s next?! You should be excited about process! You know, if God is changing us from glory to glory, then it follows that all change is glorious. That went down like a rat sandwich. [Edit fkj – (referring to the lack of response to the statement)] Man alive… I think on my next rat sandwich I’ll have mustard. You want me to say it again in English?... O.K. Here it is… You ready? You already know it! You already know it.
God has come to establish your persona. God comes with a gift… God has a view of you right now, and He’s already spoken out what he sees. He’s already told you who you are. Now you have to enjoy the process. It’s the process that makes you rich. You are learning too, that there is no such thing as a bad day, and no such thing as a good day. There are only days of grace. Some days the grace of God allows you to enjoy what is happening, and some days the grace of God allows you to endure what is happening. But there are no days for grumbling and complaining. Grumbling and complaining is the worship language of hell. That’s why Israel fell in the wilderness. They could have rejoiced, but they chose to grumble and complain. Grumbling and complaining is the worship language of hell. That’s all you ever hear when you go there. They’re all insane, they’re all grumbling and complaining. There are no fruits of the Spirit in hell. There’s no love, no kindness, no mercy…. there’s hate, anger, bitterness, rejection, grumbling, complaining. That’s why we have to watch what comes out of our mouth. If you’re a whiner and a complainer, you’re going to find it hard to be a worshipper. Somebody breath ea?... When God show you your persona, He’s inviting you to a fast track. You’ve got something to work towards. He’s already told you what the outcome is… that means you’re going to survive the process.
I was prophesying over a guy in Kansas City, and as I’m prophesying over him he’s getting more and more annoyed. Eventually like steam is coming out of his ears he’s so annoyed. Eventually even in my Englishness I detected that he wasn’t much pleased. So I said, “Your not a really happy bunny right now are you?” And he went, “No I’m blank, blank, blank not!” I went “Dude, we’re in church no cussing.” He looked at me and he was really spitting mad. He said, “I’ve got leukemia, I’ve got four months to live… I came here to get a word about my condition in my life…and you’re telling me that I’m going off to Africa, and doing this and doing that! I went looking at him… and I started smiling. He went, “Don’t you flippin’ smile at me you false prophet!” And he called me a few other things which were really interesting. I’ve never been called those thing in church before. Not at least to my face anyway. So I said, “O.K. Let’s just step back for a minute, time out. The doctor gave you a word of death, four months… I just told you what you’ll be doing in ten year time in Africa… I can see where that would be difficult. That’s like a tough choice dude, I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes right now. Four months, ten years… Geesh, what a choice you have to make! Excuse me (Edit fkj: making a gesture as picking something up off the floor) is this a piece of your brain? Did something fall out?... You’re getting mad at me? I’d go home and smack the doctor! You’re getting mad at me?” And he goes, “Oh!...
Oh… yeah … huh… well ummm humm – take your point… umm… I’ll be off then.” Take the family brain cells, someone in your family might need them. A few years later I’m doing a conference in another city and a guy comes bouncing up to me and says, “Do you remember me?” And I said… “No.” Well it’s really hard ea?... remembering everybody. He said, “I was the guy with leukemia in Kansas City!” I said, “Dude, your not dead then.” He said, “No, no I’m not…” “Good,” I said, “cause I hate talking to ghosts.” He said, “Well I just want you to know that I didn’t like that conversation I had with you in Kansas City.”…. I wasn’t a great fan of it myself. He said, “I went home and I asked the Lord a question… so why didn’t You say anything about my leukemia?” I don’t know what the dates were so I’ll just pick one, say it was ’92 when I gave him the Word… here he is in ’92 and I’m prophesying about the next ten years. He’s asking the Lord, “Why didn’t you say anything about my leukemia?” Then it dawned on him one day that he was in ’92 the Lord was is in 2002 prophesying about what He sees him doing, and he realized that God didn’t say anything about leukemia because he didn’t have it (in 2002).
This is what the Lord means, when the Bible says “the Lord sent His Word and healed him,” that’s what He’s talking about.
So here he is in ’92 thinking “We’ll if he didn’t say anything about my leukemia to me then I’m not saying anything about it to Him. He enrolled in a twelve month Missions Training School. Four and a half months later he wakes up in the morning and realizes that he is two weeks past his ‘sell by date.’ Don’t you love the Lord ea?
Listen, we are learning the ways of God… He already understands our ways… We’re learning His ways! Wisdom is knowing how God thinks, knowing how He perceives, and knowing how He likes to do things. When we understand the ways of God it’s not that difficult to walk with Him. ‘Cause the one thing you know is, He ain’t going to change.
One of my best friends Bobby Mumford years ago called me up and said, “Graham, you’ll never guess what the Lord said to me this morning…” I said, “You’re totally right about that.” And he said – the Lord to me, “Bobby, you and I are incompatible and I don’t change.”
End part 8 of 12
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