“Holy Spirit of God, visit now this soul of mine, and tarry within it until the eventide. Inspire all my thoughts. Pervade all my imaginations. Suggest all my decisions. Lodge in my soul's most inward citadel, and order all my doings. Be with me in silence and in my speech, in my haste and in my leisure, in company and in solitude, in the freshness of the morning and the weariness of the evening. Give me grace at all times to rejoice in Thy mysterious companionship.”
John Baillie
Graham Cooke
Voice of the Prophets
4-16-09 Christ Community Church Camp Hill
Notes fkj
When you talk to Graham Cooke, you can sense he’s been hanging out with God. He’s at the same time down-to-earth and full of spiritual wisdom on everything from prayer to spiritual warfare to prophecy to intimacy with God. Cooke is well known for his prophetic training programs and has a passion to build prototype churches that can reach our postmodern society. God also uses him to help transition churches into higher levels of vision and ministry.
The following are my notes from a sermon by Graham Cook which was presented at Christ Community Church’s ‘Voice of the Prophets convention’ on April 16, 2009. I believe Graham is a very humorous man of God with a poignant message for the church today.
You will be in no doubt what-so-ever about who you are. He’ll show you, oh yes… and you will write it down. There will be a joy that rises up on the inside of you. You will be overtaken in that moment of knowing, you will be overtaken by joy. You will celebrate, right there, right then. Your identity in Christ is one of the chief sources of your worship. This is who He is, and this is who I am… You will rejoice right there in that moment.
Part 12 of 12
An anointing will come upon you, and it will rise up within you. A confidence, a zeal, will come upon you. It will rise up within you and then you can begin to walk that process with absolute confidence. That same Spirit of wisdom and revelation, that we talked about just earlier, will come upon you. You will walk with God happily. You will walk in freedom, towards freedom. You will know all the things that are freely given to you, by God, are for the task that He has set before you. There will be a joy set before you as you walk that road; the joy of obedience, the joy of confidence, it’s the joy of saying “Yes Lord.” “Yes Lord.” “Yes Lord.” “Yes Lord.” You will have it, you will know it, you will experience it, you will love it! The Father says to you, “I take responsibility for overwhelming you, with how I see you.” “I take responsibility to do that.” “I will do it because of my affection towards you, and because I have put you into Christ… where everything in Him is ….yep!” A-men.
Oh, yea… so be it. So Father I ask you to speak, bless, approach, overwhelm, all these wonderful people; and those who are listening and watching. If you couldn’t be here, you are so included… right where you are that same Spirit is going to come upon you. God is gonna… hunt you down… for the purpose of blessing, and overwhelming you and overpowering you! The same God who pursued you for salvation, will pursue you with your inheritance and identity. The same Holy Spirit, He’s on your trail! In Jesus name. A-Men.
End Part 12 of 12
If you would like a CD or DVD of this presentation they are available through
Graham Cooke
Voice of the Prophets
4-16-09 Christ Community Church Camp Hill
Notes fkj
When you talk to Graham Cooke, you can sense he’s been hanging out with God. He’s at the same time down-to-earth and full of spiritual wisdom on everything from prayer to spiritual warfare to prophecy to intimacy with God. Cooke is well known for his prophetic training programs and has a passion to build prototype churches that can reach our postmodern society. God also uses him to help transition churches into higher levels of vision and ministry.
The following are my notes from a sermon by Graham Cook which was presented at Christ Community Church’s ‘Voice of the Prophets convention’ on April 16, 2009. I believe Graham is a very humorous man of God with a poignant message for the church today.
You will be in no doubt what-so-ever about who you are. He’ll show you, oh yes… and you will write it down. There will be a joy that rises up on the inside of you. You will be overtaken in that moment of knowing, you will be overtaken by joy. You will celebrate, right there, right then. Your identity in Christ is one of the chief sources of your worship. This is who He is, and this is who I am… You will rejoice right there in that moment.
Part 12 of 12
An anointing will come upon you, and it will rise up within you. A confidence, a zeal, will come upon you. It will rise up within you and then you can begin to walk that process with absolute confidence. That same Spirit of wisdom and revelation, that we talked about just earlier, will come upon you. You will walk with God happily. You will walk in freedom, towards freedom. You will know all the things that are freely given to you, by God, are for the task that He has set before you. There will be a joy set before you as you walk that road; the joy of obedience, the joy of confidence, it’s the joy of saying “Yes Lord.” “Yes Lord.” “Yes Lord.” “Yes Lord.” You will have it, you will know it, you will experience it, you will love it! The Father says to you, “I take responsibility for overwhelming you, with how I see you.” “I take responsibility to do that.” “I will do it because of my affection towards you, and because I have put you into Christ… where everything in Him is ….yep!” A-men.
Oh, yea… so be it. So Father I ask you to speak, bless, approach, overwhelm, all these wonderful people; and those who are listening and watching. If you couldn’t be here, you are so included… right where you are that same Spirit is going to come upon you. God is gonna… hunt you down… for the purpose of blessing, and overwhelming you and overpowering you! The same God who pursued you for salvation, will pursue you with your inheritance and identity. The same Holy Spirit, He’s on your trail! In Jesus name. A-Men.
End Part 12 of 12
If you would like a CD or DVD of this presentation they are available through
Global Awakening Ministry
in Camp Hill Pennsylvania.
Voice of the Prophets conference 2009
4/16/09 Thursday Morning - Graham Cooke
Voice of the Prophets conference 2009
4/16/09 Thursday Morning - Graham Cooke
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