“The Sermon on the Mount is not a set of rules and regulations: it is a statement of the life we will live when the Holy Spirit is getting His was with us.”
Oswald Chambers
My Utmost for His Highest page 207
Graham Cooke
Voice of the Prophets
4-16-09 Christ Community Church Camp Hill
Notes fkj
When you talk to Graham Cooke, you can sense he’s been hanging out with God. He’s at the same time down-to-earth and full of spiritual wisdom on everything from prayer to spiritual warfare to prophecy to intimacy with God. Cooke is well known for his prophetic training programs and has a passion to build prototype churches that can reach our postmodern society. God also uses him to help transition churches into higher levels of vision and ministry.
The following are my notes from a sermon by Graham Cook which was presented at Christ Community Church’s ‘Voice of the Prophets convention’ on April 16, 2009. I believe Graham is a very humorous man of God with a poignant message for the church today.
You come under the weight of favor and glory and presence that God is seeking to bring into your life. As you walk in your persona that’s what happens… You start to walk onward and upward. You start to come under a weight of presence, that has been allocated to your persona.
Part 11 of 12
O.K…. assume the position.
(edit fkj: meaning to receive an impartation from God)
Father in the name of Jesus I want to thank you for how you see every one of us that’s in this room that’s standing. I want to thank you that you have already spoken into our lives. You have already shown us, declared to us our persona. We haven’t picked it up, the fullness of it. maybe a measure of it. Lord right now I ask, in the name of Jesus for a Spirit of wisdom and revelation to come upon everyone standing, anybody who is listening or watching who couldn’t be here today you are included in the name of Jesus. I declare that a Spirit of wisdom and revelation shall follow you, shall persist with you, shall come upon you, shall rise up within you until you are bathed in the Word of God, until you are baptized in the Spirit, until the proceeding word takes hold of you… and you become it. And I declare in the name of Jesus, an end, an end to all your inherent negativity. I declare that you will have a mindset that says ‘No excuses, no excuses, no excuses, no excuses… and I declare in the name of Jesus, that you shall have a militancy in your Spirit… that your persona shall make you militant against your own negativity. You will rise up and you will throw it out! You will cast it out… you will work it out… you will get rid of it because it is not helpful, not useful only harmful. The Lord will establish your personality in line with your persona so that you will become another man, and another woman. You will grow up in all things in Christ. I declare this in the name of Jesus: I declare a quickening Spirit to be upon you in the name of Jesus. I declare in this house a season of divine acceleration… in the name of Jesus. I declare in this place that there shall be a minimum of five years growth in twelve months. That you shall run and not walk. I declare favor upon you… favor upon favor upon favor… and vengeance , that you would get pay-back on the enemy for all the negativity that he has put upon you. I declare a vengeance on you that you shall rise up, that you will respond fully and completely to all that God is and all that He wants to be in your life. You shall run and not walk… and you shall be strong and not faint. You shall put on this identity and you shall develop all the resources that come with it. You shall rise up in that place, and you shall say this is who I am. You shall speak in line with who you are… you will think in line with who you are… you will act in line with that persona. That quickening Spirit will accelerate your growth and development for Jesus sake. That you would make up for lost time. As you pursue, you will get to release that same quickening upon other people so you will be an accelerant where you are. Finally, I charge you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, celebrate your persona! Celebrate it!
Listen beloved, you cannot negate that which you celebrate over. When you celebrate your identity in prayer, in conversation with your friends, in your attitude toward life, in your approach to the enemy, in your approach to worship… when you celebrate your identity, you cannot negate it. You are now acting in line with it. A-men… well you can take a seat…
All those people who have never had a prophesy, or a dream, or a vision, or an encounter or a word from Scripture; and you don’t know what your persona is, I want you to stand. I want you to stand… O.K., I’m just going to wait because not enough people are standing…. Should I do my nails? O.K. just a couple of more, I’m waiting for a couple of more… It’s good to wait… huh? There we go, just one more… where are you… There we go, O.K.
Cool, well have you got a treat in store… hey, a little nervous… This is brilliant, right now the Holy Spirit is jumping around like Oooo Oooo! He’s been wanting to get His hands on you for a while eah. Listen, the Holy Spirit loves you so much! He is so excited about this next phase of your life. So excited. The people around you… why don’t you just lean forward and lay hands on them… Yeah… yeah… the Holy Spirit is so excited… He loves these moments. You knows the thing that fascinates the Holy Spirit? He’s totally fascinated with the promises of the Father. He loves taking that promise and making it real. You know privately, He thinks He has the best job in the Godhead… He does, because He gets to talk about Jesus whom He adores. He loves to take promises and make them real to us. He loves to get prophetic imput into our hearts… He loves it, He loves it, He loves it…
You guys have a treat in store… so assume the position… This is a great moment for you because God’s going to go first. You don’t have to do anything, just receive. It will happen today, tomorrow the next day, or every day. God takes the responsibility for declaring to you how He sees you. You’re just going to make yourself available. Make yourself joyfully available.
In the name of Jesus I declare to you, you will hear the voice of God. You’ll hear it through Scripture, you’ll hear it through prophesy, you’ll hear it through dreams and visions, through circumstances, and some of you will hear the voice of God audibly. You will hear the voice of God, and He declare to you how he sees you and how you are known in heaven. It shall be thoroughly, absolutely, completely unmistakable. You will know, that you will know that you will know that you will know. You will be in no doubt what-so-ever about who you are. He’ll show you, oh yes… and you will write it down. There will be a joy that rises up on the inside of you. You will be overtaken in that moment of knowing, you will be overtaken by joy. You will celebrate, right there, right then. Your identity in Christ is one of the chief sources of your worship. This is who He is, and this is who I am… You will rejoice right there in that moment.
End Part 11 of 12
Oswald Chambers
My Utmost for His Highest page 207
Graham Cooke
Voice of the Prophets
4-16-09 Christ Community Church Camp Hill
Notes fkj
When you talk to Graham Cooke, you can sense he’s been hanging out with God. He’s at the same time down-to-earth and full of spiritual wisdom on everything from prayer to spiritual warfare to prophecy to intimacy with God. Cooke is well known for his prophetic training programs and has a passion to build prototype churches that can reach our postmodern society. God also uses him to help transition churches into higher levels of vision and ministry.
The following are my notes from a sermon by Graham Cook which was presented at Christ Community Church’s ‘Voice of the Prophets convention’ on April 16, 2009. I believe Graham is a very humorous man of God with a poignant message for the church today.
You come under the weight of favor and glory and presence that God is seeking to bring into your life. As you walk in your persona that’s what happens… You start to walk onward and upward. You start to come under a weight of presence, that has been allocated to your persona.
Part 11 of 12
O.K…. assume the position.
(edit fkj: meaning to receive an impartation from God)
Father in the name of Jesus I want to thank you for how you see every one of us that’s in this room that’s standing. I want to thank you that you have already spoken into our lives. You have already shown us, declared to us our persona. We haven’t picked it up, the fullness of it. maybe a measure of it. Lord right now I ask, in the name of Jesus for a Spirit of wisdom and revelation to come upon everyone standing, anybody who is listening or watching who couldn’t be here today you are included in the name of Jesus. I declare that a Spirit of wisdom and revelation shall follow you, shall persist with you, shall come upon you, shall rise up within you until you are bathed in the Word of God, until you are baptized in the Spirit, until the proceeding word takes hold of you… and you become it. And I declare in the name of Jesus, an end, an end to all your inherent negativity. I declare that you will have a mindset that says ‘No excuses, no excuses, no excuses, no excuses… and I declare in the name of Jesus, that you shall have a militancy in your Spirit… that your persona shall make you militant against your own negativity. You will rise up and you will throw it out! You will cast it out… you will work it out… you will get rid of it because it is not helpful, not useful only harmful. The Lord will establish your personality in line with your persona so that you will become another man, and another woman. You will grow up in all things in Christ. I declare this in the name of Jesus: I declare a quickening Spirit to be upon you in the name of Jesus. I declare in this house a season of divine acceleration… in the name of Jesus. I declare in this place that there shall be a minimum of five years growth in twelve months. That you shall run and not walk. I declare favor upon you… favor upon favor upon favor… and vengeance , that you would get pay-back on the enemy for all the negativity that he has put upon you. I declare a vengeance on you that you shall rise up, that you will respond fully and completely to all that God is and all that He wants to be in your life. You shall run and not walk… and you shall be strong and not faint. You shall put on this identity and you shall develop all the resources that come with it. You shall rise up in that place, and you shall say this is who I am. You shall speak in line with who you are… you will think in line with who you are… you will act in line with that persona. That quickening Spirit will accelerate your growth and development for Jesus sake. That you would make up for lost time. As you pursue, you will get to release that same quickening upon other people so you will be an accelerant where you are. Finally, I charge you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, celebrate your persona! Celebrate it!
Listen beloved, you cannot negate that which you celebrate over. When you celebrate your identity in prayer, in conversation with your friends, in your attitude toward life, in your approach to the enemy, in your approach to worship… when you celebrate your identity, you cannot negate it. You are now acting in line with it. A-men… well you can take a seat…
All those people who have never had a prophesy, or a dream, or a vision, or an encounter or a word from Scripture; and you don’t know what your persona is, I want you to stand. I want you to stand… O.K., I’m just going to wait because not enough people are standing…. Should I do my nails? O.K. just a couple of more, I’m waiting for a couple of more… It’s good to wait… huh? There we go, just one more… where are you… There we go, O.K.
Cool, well have you got a treat in store… hey, a little nervous… This is brilliant, right now the Holy Spirit is jumping around like Oooo Oooo! He’s been wanting to get His hands on you for a while eah. Listen, the Holy Spirit loves you so much! He is so excited about this next phase of your life. So excited. The people around you… why don’t you just lean forward and lay hands on them… Yeah… yeah… the Holy Spirit is so excited… He loves these moments. You knows the thing that fascinates the Holy Spirit? He’s totally fascinated with the promises of the Father. He loves taking that promise and making it real. You know privately, He thinks He has the best job in the Godhead… He does, because He gets to talk about Jesus whom He adores. He loves to take promises and make them real to us. He loves to get prophetic imput into our hearts… He loves it, He loves it, He loves it…
You guys have a treat in store… so assume the position… This is a great moment for you because God’s going to go first. You don’t have to do anything, just receive. It will happen today, tomorrow the next day, or every day. God takes the responsibility for declaring to you how He sees you. You’re just going to make yourself available. Make yourself joyfully available.
In the name of Jesus I declare to you, you will hear the voice of God. You’ll hear it through Scripture, you’ll hear it through prophesy, you’ll hear it through dreams and visions, through circumstances, and some of you will hear the voice of God audibly. You will hear the voice of God, and He declare to you how he sees you and how you are known in heaven. It shall be thoroughly, absolutely, completely unmistakable. You will know, that you will know that you will know that you will know. You will be in no doubt what-so-ever about who you are. He’ll show you, oh yes… and you will write it down. There will be a joy that rises up on the inside of you. You will be overtaken in that moment of knowing, you will be overtaken by joy. You will celebrate, right there, right then. Your identity in Christ is one of the chief sources of your worship. This is who He is, and this is who I am… You will rejoice right there in that moment.
End Part 11 of 12
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