"In heaven the unveiled glories of the Deity shall beat full upon us,
and we for ever sun ourselves in the smiles of God."
Ezekiel Hopkins
A Country Called Heaven
“I want to tell you of a strange and wonderful country,
a country where there are no tears or heartaches,
a country where there is no sickness, pain or death.
The people who live in this country never get tired.
They carry no burdens and they never grow old.
No one ever says good-bye, for separations are unknown,
and there are no disappointments.
In the country of which I am speaking, there is no sin,
for no one ever does wrong.
There are no accidents of any kind.
You will travel for thousands of miles
and never see a cemetery or meet a funeral.
There are no undertakers and no morgues.
You will never see a crepe on the doors, for no one ever dies.
There are no gravediggers and coffins are unknown.
The clothes that are worn are bright and glistening
and no one dresses in mourning.
It is a country where nothing ever spoils.
The flowers never lose their fragrance
and the leaves are always green.
There are no thunderstorms,
no erupting volcanoes, and no earthquakes.
Upon those fair shores hurricanes and tidal waves never beat.
There are no germs or fevers, no pestilence of any kind.
The sun never shines and yet there is always light
for there is no night there.
It is never too hot and never too cold.
The temperature is exactly right.
No clouds ever darken the sky and harsh winds never blow.
There are no drunkards in this country
for no one ever drinks.
None are immoral; men as well as women are pure.
There are no illegitimate babies.
Prisons, jails and reformatories never darken the landscape.
Doors have no locks and windows no bars,
for thieves and robbers never enter here.
No lustful books are read,
and as for unclean pictures, they are never seen.
No taxes are paid and rents are unknown.
It is a country free from war and bloodshed.
Yes, and let me tell you something else.
There are no cripples to be seen anywhere;
none are deformed or lame.
Nor is anyone blind, deaf or dumb; hence,
homes for incurables have never been built
for all are healthy, all are well and strong.
No beggars are seen on the streets
for none are destitute and all have enough.
Leprosy and cancer, palsy and tuberculosis
are words that this country has never heard.
No asylums are there, for none are feeble minded.
Doctors are never needed and hospitals are unknown.
You ask me how I know all this? Have I been there?
No, I have not yet had the privilege
of visiting this wonderful country, but others have.
And, One, at least, who has lived there
for a long, long time, has come, and told me a great deal about it.
He says it is called heaven, and this is His description of it:
‘Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men,
and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people,
and God himself shall be with them and be their God.
And God shall wipe away tears from their eyes,
and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow,
nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain.’
(Revelation 21:3-4)
Do you want to go there? Then get ready now.
It isn’t difficult. All you have to do is open your heart to Jesus Christ,
the Lord of the country, and ask Him to come in.
Then, when the journey of life is ended,
you too will go to this wonderful country
and dwell there for ever more.
Will you do it? Do it – NOW!”
Written by Oswald J. Smith
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