“It was for good reason
that the Lord instructed us
to judge men by their fruit.
A parrot can be taught
to say and do the right things.
Satan often comes as “an angel of light,”
proclaiming Scriptures;
and his work will often conform to the letter.
But only Jesus can bring forth the fruit that is LIFE”.
“The letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.” (II Corinthians 3:6)
Rick Joyner
There Were Two Trees in the Garden
Missionary Heroes:
The diamond cannot be polished without friction,
nor man perfected without trials.
In the early church
there was much persecution of the believers
because of the signs and wonders
that followed due their intimate walk
with the Lord.
Today the church in America has grown lethargic
because we know not true fellowship and discipleship.
the “imitation of Christ”
(coined by Thomas a Kempis)
is to be like Christ
is to live for Christ,
because we are caught up in His presence.
The Christ that the religious leaders thought they “killed”
was not only resurrected,
but thousands of His followers (imitators)
now testified as a daily reminder
of the power they sought to destroy.
(Thus, the persecution of the church.)
Christ said that greater works would be done by His church;
and as we submit and fellowship with Him
by His Spirit He will perform
signs and wonders through us today,
that the world might come to know Him.
12"Truly, truly, I say to you,
he who believes in Me,
the works that I do, he will do also;
and greater works than these he will do;
because I go to the Father.
[John 14:12]
1n 1998 I met a man named Prem Prattum from Napal
who was born again in Christ Jesus in 1957.
At the time he was the only Christian in Nepal
a nation where 88% of the people are Hindu,
and the remainder Buddhists.
To practice Christianity in Nepal is illegal
and those converting to the faith are given a year in jail.
Those preaching the gospel of Christ
are given three years in jail for each convert.
This brother is Christ was placed in jail
with a fifty-four year prison sentence
for being an ambassador for Christ.
In the first prison though chained and shackled,
the Spirit of God through his quiet example,
converted every prisoner in the prison to Christ.
This confounded the officials,
so they sent him to another prison.
In that prison he again brought not only prisoners to Christ,
but also the guards that were in charge of guarding him.
Each of these converts knew
that in accepting Jesus as their personal savior
they and their families (children included)
would be thrown into jail.
This treatment continued,
until this precious brother in the Lord
had been sent to fourteen prisons throughout Nepal.
So many guards, officials and prisoners were converted
that officials finally released him from prison.
Today, the nation of Nepal has over 300,000 Christians.
It is still illegal to worship Christ;
and the laws are still on the books,
but the move of God's Spirit
through this one faithful brother
is a powerful example to us here in America
of how faithful and powerful or God is
if we will only trust and obey Him.
If I don’t know persecution
what does that say of my walk with the Lord?
Should I not risk such
for the Joy of intimacy with The Bridegroom,
for the Joy of being persecuted for righteousness sake?
If I am not willing to suffer any injustice humbly
for the sake of Christ
what valuable witness have I lost ....
what person(s) might perish
because I lacked the fortitude
to stand in the anointing,
because I failed to stand in the gap.
Prem Prattum died in 1999.
In his 42 years of obedient service to the Lord
we will never know , (this side of heaven),
how many of Napal’s population
became born again Christians directly or indirectly
because of his quiet but powerful witness.
“Beloved, think it not strange
concerning the fiery trial
which is to try you,
as though some strange thing happened to you:
But rejoice,
inasmuch as you are partakers in Christ’s sufferings;
when his glory shall be revealed,
you will be glad also
with exceeding joy.”
I Peter 4:12,13
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