"I believe in God like I believe in the sun rise.
Not because I can see it, but because I can see all that it touches." –
C.S. Lewis
Rest and Peace:
The fundamental truth is this:
all things we receive from the grace of God
are born of intimacy of relationship with God.
As it was with the children of Israel,
so it is with the children of God today.
The blessings of the promised “grace-land,”
offers us riches beyond that of silver or gold.
Each of these riches points to things that we should
daily be experiencing as children of God in Christ Jesus’ finished work.
In Deuteronomy 6:2-3 the promised-land is described as
a land flowing with “milk and honey”,
which will be obtained by walking in obedience.
“That you may [reverently] fear the Lord your God,
you and your son and your son's son,
and keep all His statutes and His commandments
which I command you all the days of your life,
and that your days may be prolonged.
Hear therefore, O Israel, and be watchful to do them,
that it may be well with you
and that you may increase exceedingly,
as the Lord, the God of your fathers, has promised you,
in a land flowing with milk and honey.”
Deuteronomy 6:3 Amplified Bible (my emphasis bold)
In recent years we have been enjoying the blessings of being grandparents.
As I sit and write, our youngest grandson Josiah (four months old)
is sleeping quietly in our family room
as his parents and siblings enjoy a day at the beach.
Nothing quiet demonstrates God’s peace and rest as a sleeping child!
It is our joy to be able to have our four little ones on “sleepover nights”
while their Mommy and Daddy have “date nights.”
It is such a thrill to see your babies, babies growing in the things of God,
and becoming all that God desires them to be.
Along the way you get to relive all the little things
that now seem so distant from our children’s own developing years.
You know things like… “Couldn’t we read just one more story before bed Grandma and Grampsie?”
Along with the trail of remembrances,
come the traditional glass of warm milk with a little honey added
to soothe little bedtime upsets and elicit a restful and peaceful night.
So when I think of the characteristics of “grace-land,”
(by the way the Lord had the patient on grace-land, long before Elvis!),
I think it should be flowing with peace and rest.
Again, nothing quiet demonstrates God’s peace and rest as a sleeping child!
It should be noted that the Scriptural picture
is a land “flowing” (abundant) with milk and honey.
It wasn’t a trickle of milk and honey!
One of the first signs in my own personal walk,
that I’ve lost sight of the foundations of God’s grace,
is when I’m not at peace and rest.
If we become upset, frightened or worried about the circumstances that surround us,
it is a sure sign that we have made a wrong turn and left “grace-land.”
There was no lack of provision, no fear of loss,
no scarcity of peace and rest in the promised-land.
Fear and lack were replaced with the abundance of God’s supply,
God’s peace and rest.
Today, Jesus Christ is our peace.
“For He is [Himself] our peace
(our bond of unity and harmony).
He has made us both [Jew and Gentile] one [body],
and has broken down (destroyed, abolished)
the hostile dividing wall between us,”
Ephesians 2:14 Amplified Bible
Indeed the Lord is our Prince of Peace! (Isaiah 9:6)
When I feel as though I am nervous and squirming in Daddy’s lap,
I always try to take a time-out,
and invite the Prince to get back on the throne and in control.
We need to live in the peace and rest
that Christ provided at the cost of His blood!
Walking through the storms of life,
while demonstrating the peace and rest of God
will do more to win your family, friends and neighbors to Christ
than a thousand Bible studies and tracks!
If we are not experiencing this kind of peace and rest in our lives,
then God desires that we press in intimately to His side
to come to a new understanding of the truth that will bring such rest and peace.
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