“It remains essential for us to receive an impartation from the Holy Spirit to possess eyes and ears open to His truth and hearts of understanding.”
John Paul Jackson – “The Coming Unprecedented Wave of the Holy Spirit”
Hannah’s Cry
In the Book of First Samuel we are introduced to a woman named Hannah. The Word observes that she was barren, or childless in a culture where a woman’s worth was judged by the number of children, particularly mail heirs, she had for her husband. To be childless was a shame in her day, an embarrassment and often interpreted as a sign of God’s disapproval. This condition was made even worse by the fact that her husband Elkanah had another wife (Peninnah) who had born him many children.
In spite of her condition the Word reveals that her husband loved her deeply. He demonstrated his love by the preferential treatment he gave to Hannah. Despite this Hannah could not be consoled and her heart was broken before the Lord.
Peninnah took every occasion to gloat over Hannah’s condition; for year upon years she reminded her of the fact that she had not given Elkanah any children.
Hannah went to the house of the Lord and poured out her heart, promising that if the Lord would give her a son she would dedicate him to the Lords service.
Hannah was downcast and went weeping and fasting before the Lord. Eli the priest heard her and thought initially that she was drunk. Shortly thereafter he recognized her cry and had compassion on her condition.
17 Eli answered, "Go in peace,
John Paul Jackson – “The Coming Unprecedented Wave of the Holy Spirit”
Hannah’s Cry
In the Book of First Samuel we are introduced to a woman named Hannah. The Word observes that she was barren, or childless in a culture where a woman’s worth was judged by the number of children, particularly mail heirs, she had for her husband. To be childless was a shame in her day, an embarrassment and often interpreted as a sign of God’s disapproval. This condition was made even worse by the fact that her husband Elkanah had another wife (Peninnah) who had born him many children.
In spite of her condition the Word reveals that her husband loved her deeply. He demonstrated his love by the preferential treatment he gave to Hannah. Despite this Hannah could not be consoled and her heart was broken before the Lord.
Peninnah took every occasion to gloat over Hannah’s condition; for year upon years she reminded her of the fact that she had not given Elkanah any children.
Hannah went to the house of the Lord and poured out her heart, promising that if the Lord would give her a son she would dedicate him to the Lords service.
Hannah was downcast and went weeping and fasting before the Lord. Eli the priest heard her and thought initially that she was drunk. Shortly thereafter he recognized her cry and had compassion on her condition.
17 Eli answered, "Go in peace,
and may the God of Israel grant you
what you have asked of him."
18 She said, "May your servant find favor in your eyes."
Then she went her way and ate something,
and her face was no longer downcast.
1 Samuel 1:17-18 NIV
Often when we face difficulties we react in the same manner. We are downcast and pouring out our hearts to God. It is interesting to see her reaction to Eli’s proclamation; she immediately believed and left his presence, her emotional state was immediately changed.
The enemy will continually stir up our deepest heartaches, and works hard to keep our minds filled with memories of our shortcomings and offenses. This is particularly true when we are headed off to the prayer closet, or a church service or the like.
We are not to give the enemy any glory for this, but are to take note of his strategies to steal away our peace and joy. We can be proactive, prepared for his attack and secure that the Lion of Judah has a louder roar than the roaring lion of this earth..
8Be of sober spirit, be on the alert
Your adversary, the devil,
prowls around like a roaring lion,
seeking someone to devour.
9But resist him, firm in your faith,
knowing that the same experiences of suffering
are being accomplished
by your brethren who are in the world.
1 Peter5:8-9 NASB
Secure in this knowledge we can choose to ignore the evil intentions he whispers in our ears. We can refuse to dwell on the pain, suffering and disappointments of the past, and press into the inheritance that Christ Jesus holds for our present and future. To this end, we need to focus our thoughts on the truth of God’s Word that our hearts and minds may be renewed in Him.
2And do not be conformed to this world,
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind,
so that you may prove what the will of God is,
that which is good and acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:2 NASB
If we are true to hold fast to Him and seek Him in the secret place we will experience His victory and become dispensers of His life, and life abundant.
Hannah’s cry for an heir was honored by God, and she bore a son…
His name was Samuel.
When we seek him with our heart, mind and strength we too will birth new life that can be dedicated to the Lord.
10But the LORD was pleased
To crush Him, putting Him to grief;
If He would render Himself as a guilt offering,
He will see His offspring,
He will prolong His days,
And the good pleasure of the LORD will prosper in His hand.
Isaiah 53:10 NASB
1 Samuel 1:17-18 NIV
Often when we face difficulties we react in the same manner. We are downcast and pouring out our hearts to God. It is interesting to see her reaction to Eli’s proclamation; she immediately believed and left his presence, her emotional state was immediately changed.
The enemy will continually stir up our deepest heartaches, and works hard to keep our minds filled with memories of our shortcomings and offenses. This is particularly true when we are headed off to the prayer closet, or a church service or the like.
We are not to give the enemy any glory for this, but are to take note of his strategies to steal away our peace and joy. We can be proactive, prepared for his attack and secure that the Lion of Judah has a louder roar than the roaring lion of this earth..
8Be of sober spirit, be on the alert
Your adversary, the devil,
prowls around like a roaring lion,
seeking someone to devour.
9But resist him, firm in your faith,
knowing that the same experiences of suffering
are being accomplished
by your brethren who are in the world.
1 Peter5:8-9 NASB
Secure in this knowledge we can choose to ignore the evil intentions he whispers in our ears. We can refuse to dwell on the pain, suffering and disappointments of the past, and press into the inheritance that Christ Jesus holds for our present and future. To this end, we need to focus our thoughts on the truth of God’s Word that our hearts and minds may be renewed in Him.
2And do not be conformed to this world,
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind,
so that you may prove what the will of God is,
that which is good and acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:2 NASB
If we are true to hold fast to Him and seek Him in the secret place we will experience His victory and become dispensers of His life, and life abundant.
Hannah’s cry for an heir was honored by God, and she bore a son…
His name was Samuel.
When we seek him with our heart, mind and strength we too will birth new life that can be dedicated to the Lord.
10But the LORD was pleased
To crush Him, putting Him to grief;
If He would render Himself as a guilt offering,
He will see His offspring,
He will prolong His days,
And the good pleasure of the LORD will prosper in His hand.
Isaiah 53:10 NASB
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