“When God is involved, anything can happen.
Be open. Stay that way.
God has a beautiful way of bringing good vibrations
out of broken chords."
Charles (Chuck) Swindoll
I have read many a Christian author on many subjects,
and if you were to ask me who all time favorite was,
I would be hard pressed to give you an unqualified response.
One of my top ten (perhaps even the top five –
although my list is in constant flux)
would be a book written by Watchman Nee To-sheng.
I have a number of his books, all of which I highly prize.
One of his smallest works, Sit, Walk, Stand,
is one of my all time favorites,
and a book I try to read at least once a year.
I compare this work to the “minor prophets” in the Bible…
those they measured out their words, what they say has dynamic potential.
Sit, Walk, Stand, is a study of the Book of Ephesians,
and the three positions that believers are to take in relation to Christ.
When I first read this book it was quite a revelation to me,
and I must continually remind myself,
so that I don’t fall back into a Martha mentality.
(Poor Martha, she gets such a bum wrap for one little mistake -
one which every Christian I know has fallen into repeatedly)!
The powerful principle that brother Nee starts with
is that “Christianity begins with not a big DO, but with a big Done.”
( Sit, Walk, Stand, pg. 15)
“6And He raised us up together with Him
and made us sit down together
[giving us joint seating with Him] in the heavenly sphere
[by virtue of our being] in Christ Jesus
(the Messiah, the Anointed One).
7He did this that He might clearly demonstrate
through the ages to come
the immeasurable (limitless, surpassing) riches
of His free grace (His unmerited favor)
in [His] kindness and goodness of heart
toward us in Christ Jesus.
8For it is by free grace (God's unmerited favor)
that you are saved
(delivered from judgment
and made partakers of Christ's salvation)
through [your] faith.
And this [salvation] is not of yourselves
[of your own doing, it came not through your own striving], but it is the gift of God;
Ephesians 2:6-9 Amplified Bible (my emphasis bold)
Thus we are to begin our walk with Christ
by simply entering into the fullness of our inheritance in Him
because of what he has already done!
We are being invited to sit down
and enjoy the finished work of Christ.
Martha was a devoted disciple of Christ; don’t miss that point in the account.
Jesus loved Martha, and was a frequent visitor at her home.
The issue came up because Christ had unexpectedly shown up,
and Martha jumped into action to serve her Lord!
She forgot (as do we) that every need Jesus had was at His disposal.
Had he been hungry He could have turned the stones into puffed pastry!
Had He been thirsty He could have commanded water from a rock!
What Jesus prized was Mary’s humbly sitting at His feet,
listening intently to what He had to share.
When we get too busy performing the ministry of Christ
at the expense of sitting in His presence then we are out-of-balance.
Let’s assure we take time to sit in His presence each day.
The Christian life is based upon the principle t
hat we all are to be utterly dependent upon the Lord Jesus Christ alone!
My mouth will tell of Your righteousness,
of Your Salvation all day long,
although I do not understand its full measure!
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