“If the Holy Spirit shows us a specific problem in someone’s life,
our response should not be one of getting rid of the person,
but rather pursuing the path of redemption and restoration.”
Rich Worsham - “Marketplace Anointing”
our response should not be one of getting rid of the person,
but rather pursuing the path of redemption and restoration.”
Rich Worsham - “Marketplace Anointing”
God’s Rainbow:
13 I have placed my rainbow in the clouds.
It is the sign of my covenant with you and with all the earth.
When I see the rainbow in the clouds,
I will remember the eternal covenant between God
and every living creature on earth.”
17 Then God said to Noah,
“Yes, this rainbow is the sign of the covenant
I am confirming with all the creatures on earth.”
Genesis 9:13,16,17 NLT
God is a covenant making God;
and One who keeps His covenant promises.
God made a covenant with man from the very beginning
when he gave Adam and Eve the command to “be fruitful and multiply” –
then telling them that they had “dominion” over all the earth,
and all that lived upon the earth. (Genesis 1:28-29)
After the fall, God renewed His covenant with them,
covering their nakedness with the skins of animals
(the first recorded covenant sacrifice).
Within this covenant is the amazing promise of a redeemer.
The Messiah would come from the line of
Seth, Noah, Shem, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah, and David.
In this covenant marked by God’s rainbow in the sky,
1- the sanctity of life is established – (9:5)
2- man’s dominion over earth and animals confirmed (9:2,10)
3- man’s responsibility to protect life is established even to the point of capital punishment for the taking of a life. (9:5-6)
4- man, presumably a vegetarian before the flood, is now allowed to eat meat. (9:3)
In covenant relationships God confirms His heart toward all mankind.
His desire is to have fellowship with all men at His covenant table.
When men walk away from His table,
His reaction is always to call them back to the table.
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