"Trouble always comes whenever
we begin to take credit for any of the gifts of the Spirit,
be they gifts of prayer, tongues, prophecy, art, science....
Modern medicine suffers, despite all its advances,
because it has almost completely forgotten
that healing is a gift as well as a science."
Madeleine L'Engle
Keep On Keeping On:
Keep waiting
On Him
Keep working
With Him
Keep watching
For Him
Madeleine L'Engle
Keep On Keeping On:
Keep waiting
On Him
Keep working
With Him
Keep watching
For Him
When Stanley went out in 1871 and found Dr. Livingston,
he spent some months in his company,
but Livingston never spoke with Stanley about spiritual matters.
Throughout those months Stanley watched the old man closely.
Livingston’s habits were simply beyond his comprehension, and so was his patience.
He could not understand Livingston’s sympathy
for the African people he served.
For the sake of Christ and His gospel,
the missionary doctor exhibited patience
and untiring zeal for the needs of the people
to the point of utter exhaustion.
Stanley wrote, “When I saw that unwearied patience,
that unflagging zeal, for those enlightened sons of Africa,
and I became a Christian at his side,
though he never spoke to me about it.”
One of the most effective ministries we can embark upon
is simply to take the nature of Christ in us to the world around us.
“They will know them by their love”
As we endeavor to serve others in the love of Christ
the value of a live devoted to Christ becomes apparent to others.
Let us, “...press toward the goal for the prize
of the upward call of God
in Christ Jesus"
Philippians 3:14 (NKJV)
Let us, “...press toward the goal for the prize
of the upward call of God
in Christ Jesus"
Philippians 3:14 (NKJV)
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