"There are two freedoms:
the false where a man is free to do what he likes;
and the true where a man is free to do as he ought."
Charles Kingsley
Wise as Serpents and Harmless as Doves – Part 3
“Behold, I am sending you out like sheep in the midst of wolves;
be wary and wise as serpents,
and be innocent
(harmless, guileless, and without falsity) as doves.”
Matthew 10:16 Amplified bible
Being Wise as Serpents:
A common Greek word for wise is sophos.
“Behold, I am sending you out like sheep in the midst of wolves;
be wary and wise as serpents,
and be innocent
(harmless, guileless, and without falsity) as doves.”
Matthew 10:16 Amplified bible
Being Wise as Serpents:
A common Greek word for wise is sophos.
This however, is not the word that Jesus used in this Scripture.
He used the word phronimos instead,
which has the added meaning of being
“thoughtful, sagacious, cautious, intelligent,
wise, prudent and mindful of one’s interests.”
The word phronimos comes from the word phren,
The word phronimos comes from the word phren,
which stems from a word meaning to “curb or reign in.”
It most often relates to the feelings and emotions of our mind.
We are to rein in our natural emotions to situations
We are to rein in our natural emotions to situations
we face and allow the Spirit of God to be in control
so that His purposes can be accomplished in us and through us.
How are serpents wise do you ask?
How are serpents wise do you ask?
I’m so glad you asked!
In the Scripture the first mention of a serpent is in Genesis 3:1.
“Now the serpent was more subtle and crafty
than any living creature of the field
which the Lord God had made.
And he [Satan] said to the woman,
Can it really be that God has said,
You shall not eat from every tree of the garden?”
Genesis 3:1 Amplified Bible
Note the subtlety of the serpent was expressed in a query.
In the Scripture the first mention of a serpent is in Genesis 3:1.
“Now the serpent was more subtle and crafty
than any living creature of the field
which the Lord God had made.
And he [Satan] said to the woman,
Can it really be that God has said,
You shall not eat from every tree of the garden?”
Genesis 3:1 Amplified Bible
Note the subtlety of the serpent was expressed in a query.
The question was carefully designed
to raise doubts and discontent in Eve.
The enemy is utilizing the same tactics today as he did then.
The Hebrew word used here
for the subtlety of the serpent is aruwm,
which means cunning or prudent.
The form of the word used (the past participle)
communicates a negative meaning when subtlety is used
to accomplish some kind of evil act.
It means to be “craftily devious,” and “deceptive.”
The enemy of our souls is continually attempting
to take the character of God and twist it
in a manner in which will deceive us.
Subtlety in the Godly character is not in the least deceptive or evil.
Used in a Godly manner subtlety means
to be powerfully persuasive for the purpose of doing good.
That is why we read that the Proverbs were given to us
“to give subtilty to the simple.” (Proverbs 1:4)
Practicing subtlety:
I’ve often said that I love all animals; but truth be told, there are a few that I’d rather avoid, snakes being near the top of the list. So, I know that it is the nature of a shake to avoid confrontation. If you are in the woods and want to avoid snakes, be sure to make lots of noise. Given a choice between attacking a person, or any animal the snake can’t eat, the snake will turn tail and slither away.
We can practice such subtlety by deflecting verbal assaults
Practicing subtlety:
I’ve often said that I love all animals; but truth be told, there are a few that I’d rather avoid, snakes being near the top of the list. So, I know that it is the nature of a shake to avoid confrontation. If you are in the woods and want to avoid snakes, be sure to make lots of noise. Given a choice between attacking a person, or any animal the snake can’t eat, the snake will turn tail and slither away.
We can practice such subtlety by deflecting verbal assaults
with a wisely honed question.
In doing such we will experience an effective tactic
to diffuse the venom of hurtful words,
being wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove.
When the men of the city demanded the death of Gideon,
When the men of the city demanded the death of Gideon,
his father, Joash, gave a wise retort in the form of a query:
“But Joash said to all who stood against him,
Will you contend for Baal? Or will you save him?
He who will contend for Baal,
let him be put to death while it is still morning.
If Baal is a god, let him contend for himself
because one has pulled down his altar.”
Judges 6:31 Amplified Bible
May you know Him who is the Prince of Peace…
“But Joash said to all who stood against him,
Will you contend for Baal? Or will you save him?
He who will contend for Baal,
let him be put to death while it is still morning.
If Baal is a god, let him contend for himself
because one has pulled down his altar.”
Judges 6:31 Amplified Bible
May you know Him who is the Prince of Peace…
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