Isn't is amazing
that almost everyone has an opinion
to offer about the Bible,
and yet so few have studied it?
and yet so few have studied it?
R. C. Sproul
Taken, Blessed, Broken and Given: The Baptism of Fire Part 6
“And I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places,
that you may know that it is I, the Lord, the God of Israel,
Who calls you by your name.”
Isaiah 45:3 Amp
The word ‘name’ in Hebrew is ‘shem’ (8034)
It means “honor, authority and character” i.e. in His image
When God calls us by name
He desires to see His image (in which we were created) come forth.
The greatest example of going through this process
is of course the life of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
□ Christ was TAKEN from heaven
□ He was BLESSED by walking flawlessly in His Fathers will:
to demonstrate Godly power and authority
which resulted in our salvation
● salvation in the Greek is “Sozo”
it means to be:
● completely redeemed from sin
● completely delivered from the enemies influences
● completely healed of all infirmities
□ Jesus was BROKEN on Calvary
[savior; deliverer]
□ He was GIVEN as the Kinsman Redeemer (Ruth 3:9)
The list goes on and on in the Word
of those who went through this process.
I might add that everyone goes through this process
both believers and non-believers alike.
□ God’s intention is always that this process
will bring us closer to Him
and make us more like His Son
Should it then be any surprise to us that we suffer tribulations?
The school of God’s holy fire
is a school of discipline and love
which has our best interests at heart.
We will be are TAKEN out of our comfort zones…
Because we have been BLESSED by His hand…
We all need to be BROKEN from our own self-will…
So we can be transformed into the image of Christ
So we can be GIVEN to a lost and dying world
If you are in the kingdom
You will go through this process of refinement.
God gives gifts
but God fashions weapons!
The measure of a man or woman of God is not that they flow in the gifts of God.
The measure of a man or woman of God
is the character of Jesus dwelling in them.
The baptism of fire is the transformation process
that develops the character of Christ in us
as we submit to Him
and walk rightly through tribulation by His grace.
Some years ago I read the book The Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren.
There is much about this book that I liked.
However I take exception to the title and premise
that our lives should be driven by purpose.
We need to be a presence driven people
When you are committed to being in God’s presence
then your purpose for life will be made manifest
you will walk in peace
you will walk in His promise
you will walk in His power.
We must avoid an attitude of casual familiarity with God
It is God’s grace that allows us intimacy
Many falsely interpret this grace
and develop a “low view” of God
bringing our perception of God
down to our own human reasoning.
Just how big is our God?
Is He bigger that our current problems?
Is He bigger than our own will and desires?
End Part 6
“And I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places,
that you may know that it is I, the Lord, the God of Israel,
Who calls you by your name.”
Isaiah 45:3 Amp
The word ‘name’ in Hebrew is ‘shem’ (8034)
It means “honor, authority and character” i.e. in His image
When God calls us by name
He desires to see His image (in which we were created) come forth.
The greatest example of going through this process
is of course the life of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
□ Christ was TAKEN from heaven
□ He was BLESSED by walking flawlessly in His Fathers will:
to demonstrate Godly power and authority
which resulted in our salvation
● salvation in the Greek is “Sozo”
it means to be:
● completely redeemed from sin
● completely delivered from the enemies influences
● completely healed of all infirmities
□ Jesus was BROKEN on Calvary
[savior; deliverer]
□ He was GIVEN as the Kinsman Redeemer (Ruth 3:9)
The list goes on and on in the Word
of those who went through this process.
I might add that everyone goes through this process
both believers and non-believers alike.
□ God’s intention is always that this process
will bring us closer to Him
and make us more like His Son
Should it then be any surprise to us that we suffer tribulations?
The school of God’s holy fire
is a school of discipline and love
which has our best interests at heart.
We will be are TAKEN out of our comfort zones…
Because we have been BLESSED by His hand…
We all need to be BROKEN from our own self-will…
So we can be transformed into the image of Christ
So we can be GIVEN to a lost and dying world
If you are in the kingdom
You will go through this process of refinement.
God gives gifts
but God fashions weapons!
The measure of a man or woman of God is not that they flow in the gifts of God.
The measure of a man or woman of God
is the character of Jesus dwelling in them.
The baptism of fire is the transformation process
that develops the character of Christ in us
as we submit to Him
and walk rightly through tribulation by His grace.
Some years ago I read the book The Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren.
There is much about this book that I liked.
However I take exception to the title and premise
that our lives should be driven by purpose.
We need to be a presence driven people
When you are committed to being in God’s presence
then your purpose for life will be made manifest
you will walk in peace
you will walk in His promise
you will walk in His power.
We must avoid an attitude of casual familiarity with God
It is God’s grace that allows us intimacy
Many falsely interpret this grace
and develop a “low view” of God
bringing our perception of God
down to our own human reasoning.
Just how big is our God?
Is He bigger that our current problems?
Is He bigger than our own will and desires?
End Part 6
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