Miracles of Mozambique:
“You get saved when you believe in Jesus…
you get changed
“You get saved when you believe in Jesus…
you get changed
when you find out that He believes in you.”
Kris Vallotton
12 “For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, operative, energizing, and effective];
it is sharper than any two-edged sword,
penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow
[of the deepest parts of our nature],
exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging
the very thoughts and purposes of the heart.
13 And not a creature exists
that is concealed from His sight,
but all things are open and exposed,
naked and defenseless to the eyes of Him
to Whom we have to give an account.”
Hebrews 4:12-13
Miracles of Mozambique:
Roland and Heidi Baker are missionaries to Mozambique, Africa. They have given up all their worldly possessions, learned the native language and moved permanently to their adoptive nation. They live in one of the poorest nations on earth, and portray a life of servitude to the orphans of this nation. They know what it is to be dependent upon the Lord on a daily basis; for provision to feed the hundreds of orphans they care for, and for their healing when disease strikes. Medical care in this nation is only for the very wealthy who can afford it.
In 2008 Roland was hit again with Malaria and was close to death. The worldwide body of Christ pressed in to the throne, and Roland is now recovering, as they continue their life’s work.
In November 2008 Heidi spoke at the ‘Voice of the Apostles Conference’ in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania and shared about the faithfulness of the Lord.
Not just for her husband, but for the miraculous ways in which He cares daily for their needs, and the needs of the children they care for. When you get to know Heidi you find that she is a natural born hugger, and that she takes the care of her children as seriously as any biological mother would her own.
Heidi spoke about a cholera outbreak in Mozambique which afflicted hundreds of people in the area where they live. Cholera is a serious, but treatable disease – except if you’re poor and live in Africa where even modest modern medical care is hard to find.
The people who were infected were simply taken to a large tent and placed on mats where they were allowed to die a rather agonizing death. The tent where they are taken is simply called the “dying tent.” Armed guards placed outside the tent prevent any visitors from coming in contact with the victims. Of the hundreds of children in their care, seventy-five of them became infected with cholera and were removed to the dying tent.
Heidi was devastated, and cried out to the Lord for several days for the lives of her children. Early one morning while she was interceding for them, the Lord spoke to her and told her to go to the dying tent and hug and love on all her children. Knowing the voice of the Lord she left immediately for the dying tent.
On the way she walked to the tent, she wondered how she would get past the armed guards. As she approached the tent she was amazed that the guards, who saw her coming, suddenly walked around the side of the tent leaving the tent’s entry totally unguarded. She walked right into the tent and immediately began to hug and kiss her kids, one by one. About half way through her appointed rounds she was interrupted by a very angry doctor who came into the tent. She was outraged that Heidi had “broken the law” to come into the tent, and secondly that she came in without any protective medical clothing. Heidi simply told her that she was being obedient to what the Lord had told her to do, and that she was confident that the Lord was going to heal every one of her children. The doctor was less than empathetic and quarantined Heidi to the dying tent. Heidi continued her rounds to the children, hugging and kissing and singing to each of them. She then began to minister to all the other patients in the dying tent.
The next week proved extraordinary. The day following Heidi’s arrival to the dying tent, twenty of the patients (a few of them Heidi’s children) miraculously recovered and were released to go home. Day after day, more and more of the patients in the dying tent arose miraculously and regained their strength, which totally amazed the entire medical staff. By the end of the week the dying tent was empty, and not one patient had died! Heidi, of course, never experienced any of the symptoms of cholera.
Isn’t God amazing!!!!
Oh yes, there is a P.S. to the story.
Remember the doctor who was so outraged at Heidi? Well after seeing the mighty hand of God move, she has now accepted Christ as her Savior, she quit her job, and is now working with Roland and Heidi at their orphanages.
“There’s a lot of pain… but a lot more healing.
There’s a lot of trouble… but a lot more peace.
There’s a lot of hate… but a lot more loving.
There’s a lot of sin… but a lot more grace.
Oh outrageous grace
Oh outrageous grace
Love unfurled by heavens hand
There’s a lot of fear… but a lot more freedom.
There’s a lot of darkness… but a lot more light.
There’s a lot of clouds… but a lot more vision.
There’s a lot of death… but a lot more life
Oh outrageous grace
Oh outrageous grace
Love unfurled by heavens hand…
Oh outrageous grace
Oh outrageous grace
Through my Jesus I can stand”
Standing with you, on the Word
Kris Vallotton
12 “For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, operative, energizing, and effective];
it is sharper than any two-edged sword,
penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow
[of the deepest parts of our nature],
exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging
the very thoughts and purposes of the heart.
13 And not a creature exists
that is concealed from His sight,
but all things are open and exposed,
naked and defenseless to the eyes of Him
to Whom we have to give an account.”
Hebrews 4:12-13
Miracles of Mozambique:
Roland and Heidi Baker are missionaries to Mozambique, Africa. They have given up all their worldly possessions, learned the native language and moved permanently to their adoptive nation. They live in one of the poorest nations on earth, and portray a life of servitude to the orphans of this nation. They know what it is to be dependent upon the Lord on a daily basis; for provision to feed the hundreds of orphans they care for, and for their healing when disease strikes. Medical care in this nation is only for the very wealthy who can afford it.
In 2008 Roland was hit again with Malaria and was close to death. The worldwide body of Christ pressed in to the throne, and Roland is now recovering, as they continue their life’s work.
In November 2008 Heidi spoke at the ‘Voice of the Apostles Conference’ in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania and shared about the faithfulness of the Lord.
Not just for her husband, but for the miraculous ways in which He cares daily for their needs, and the needs of the children they care for. When you get to know Heidi you find that she is a natural born hugger, and that she takes the care of her children as seriously as any biological mother would her own.
Heidi spoke about a cholera outbreak in Mozambique which afflicted hundreds of people in the area where they live. Cholera is a serious, but treatable disease – except if you’re poor and live in Africa where even modest modern medical care is hard to find.
The people who were infected were simply taken to a large tent and placed on mats where they were allowed to die a rather agonizing death. The tent where they are taken is simply called the “dying tent.” Armed guards placed outside the tent prevent any visitors from coming in contact with the victims. Of the hundreds of children in their care, seventy-five of them became infected with cholera and were removed to the dying tent.
Heidi was devastated, and cried out to the Lord for several days for the lives of her children. Early one morning while she was interceding for them, the Lord spoke to her and told her to go to the dying tent and hug and love on all her children. Knowing the voice of the Lord she left immediately for the dying tent.
On the way she walked to the tent, she wondered how she would get past the armed guards. As she approached the tent she was amazed that the guards, who saw her coming, suddenly walked around the side of the tent leaving the tent’s entry totally unguarded. She walked right into the tent and immediately began to hug and kiss her kids, one by one. About half way through her appointed rounds she was interrupted by a very angry doctor who came into the tent. She was outraged that Heidi had “broken the law” to come into the tent, and secondly that she came in without any protective medical clothing. Heidi simply told her that she was being obedient to what the Lord had told her to do, and that she was confident that the Lord was going to heal every one of her children. The doctor was less than empathetic and quarantined Heidi to the dying tent. Heidi continued her rounds to the children, hugging and kissing and singing to each of them. She then began to minister to all the other patients in the dying tent.
The next week proved extraordinary. The day following Heidi’s arrival to the dying tent, twenty of the patients (a few of them Heidi’s children) miraculously recovered and were released to go home. Day after day, more and more of the patients in the dying tent arose miraculously and regained their strength, which totally amazed the entire medical staff. By the end of the week the dying tent was empty, and not one patient had died! Heidi, of course, never experienced any of the symptoms of cholera.
Isn’t God amazing!!!!
Oh yes, there is a P.S. to the story.
Remember the doctor who was so outraged at Heidi? Well after seeing the mighty hand of God move, she has now accepted Christ as her Savior, she quit her job, and is now working with Roland and Heidi at their orphanages.
“There’s a lot of pain… but a lot more healing.
There’s a lot of trouble… but a lot more peace.
There’s a lot of hate… but a lot more loving.
There’s a lot of sin… but a lot more grace.
Oh outrageous grace
Oh outrageous grace
Love unfurled by heavens hand
There’s a lot of fear… but a lot more freedom.
There’s a lot of darkness… but a lot more light.
There’s a lot of clouds… but a lot more vision.
There’s a lot of death… but a lot more life
Oh outrageous grace
Oh outrageous grace
Love unfurled by heavens hand…
Oh outrageous grace
Oh outrageous grace
Through my Jesus I can stand”
Standing with you, on the Word
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